Monday, February 25, 2008
I am crazy.... Really crazy.... Guess all my bao bei must be fainting soon from my uncle style of saying things... haha.. but then again... I am intending to buy an uncle car.. wahaha.. Nissan Cefiro 230JM... Hopefully.. Stilll trying to convince them leh... haha....
And my gosh... my dog just vomitted just now... scared me a lot sia... thought what happened sia... worried.... but lucky he is alright le... heng....
Keeping every secret...
at 9:03 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
I had a suay morning today sia.... CMI...
to start it off, i got to rush to lab early morning to rush for an experiment to produce samples for a germany prof. so i left at 8am instead of the normal 830. i was at first quite happy that i manage to leave house at 8am.. thought that i would tu tu tu.. haha... anyway i took mandai road as usual... and there was a long queue of cars waiting to go up to BKE... so i was rushing for time.. i decided to drive out to center lane and cut in at the last min... problem was there is a double white line (which means cannot lane change, if caught.. $140 plus 4 demerit points) i tried to squeeze before the double white line but guess too late... the car behind me horn me... thebus in the left lane also horn me continuously... (must be retribution for me always horning ppl) of course i bo chap and just cut in (thanks to my book of aggressive driving ;p) and guess what... which turning in... i saw the TP standing there... kaoz...... there goes 4 points.. now just got to wait for the summon to come... damn.... so i cast that aside and went from BKE to KJE..... another sai !!!! massive jam along the whole freaking KJE when i am rushing for time.... faintz..... so i jam there for some time... and tried to take the nearest exit that can e-route to sch... and guess what.. the small road got one stupid lorry who jam my road in front and keep on braking for nothing... piss...and i can't overtake him cuz there is always cars travelling along the opposite lane... ARGh.................... But I decided to tell myself... Suay finish le... Luck is going to come... I went to do experiement... Halfway my prof called me to tell me that no need to complete by 1030am le.. can do it by 230pm... yeah... relieved andi thought my luck is coming... but na..... the system die on me.... causing massive short circuit... mess up the experiment.... kill the samples... so i ended calling my prof to tell him that the experiment failed only got the previous samples... lucky enough he say it was okay.... Good luck again... u bet it.. haha... then he ask me to bring the samples to the IC DESIGN FABRICATION LAB...what is this man... only for IC DESIGN LAB OR IC FABRICATION LAB... where got put two names together le.... so i tried IC DESIGN lab first.. and damn !!!! got lab 1, 2 and 3.... fly all over the place.... then by lab 3.. i was about to give up.. but i tell myself... suay finish le.. luck is going to come... and yeah.... not that i found the person in lab 3 but instead is the technician helped me to find out where the seminar was held and i found the person..... happy sia......... so it is not a bad day afterall... so time to put my pen on the 4d and toto tixs... wahahahaha....
Keeping every secret...
at 3:09 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Is it possible for two person, one with high level of education and the other with little education, to be together ?
Some possible concerns may be if they are able to accept one another. How do they meet in the first place. Can they communicate well with one another. Will the lower education one feel inferior. Will the higher education one feel that it is impossible to communicate.
When did education becomes a stepping stone inside a relationship ? What I feel is there is never education barrier in life. There is only the barrier of not wanting to learn.
But my main question is... Is it really impossible for two person with very different education level to be together...............?
Keeping every secret...
at 7:21 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
I seriously think I am crazy over changing car le.. haha.. Guess what.. Now I have two choices to make.. and the deadline is 20 feb.
Honda Edix
Jaguar X-Type

Yesh yesh... I know I am crazy.. But these two are auction cars... so it is comparative cheaper too buy.. haha... Think the edix will be a more practical choice.. So now left I got to sell my car. haha.. Any takers. haha.. Market Price about $38k for a two years old vios !!! Lelong lelong. wahahaha....
Keeping every secret...
at 1:20 AM